Stone Road
Trentham (Gardens), Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire ST4 8JG
United Kingdom
Trentham (Gardens), Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire ST4 8JG
United Kingdom
Directions to Acadame Stoke - PremierInn Trentham Gardens Using What3Words
What is What3Words?
What3Words is a tool that uses three unique words to pinpoint any location within a 3m x 3m square, making navigation simple and precise.
How to Use What3Words:
- Download the What3Words app or visit
- Enter pops.soaks.glow into the search bar.
- Follow the directions to our venue's entrance.
Whether driving, walking, or using public transport, What3Words ensures accuracy, guiding you straight to our entrance or parking area without confusion.