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*Online Risk Assessment awareness training can be a really useful tool for refreshing knowledge, providing training on specific elements or for getting some basic risk assessment skills, but appropriate RAMS training should include face to face training and assessment of practical skills.
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Our Risk Assessment and Method Statement course (RAMS) will educate you on how to write an effective method statement and risk assessment. With the knowledge that you gain, you will fulfil your legal duties and conduct a sufficient risk assessment and method statement for work activities. In addition, by properly conducting these processes, you are helping to reduce workplace injury and ill-health.
A Risk Assessment identifies the potential risks and corresponding control measures for any activity, whereas a Method Statement provides a step by step sequence of that activity to be completed in a safe manner.
Good Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) demonstrate that health and safety risks have been thoroughly thought and safe methods of work have been planned to manage the identified risks.
The method of assessment is a one-step journey:
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