Regardless of the type of workplace, accidents at work are common. Whether involving a tripping or slipping accident, a burn injury, cuts, injuries from falling or having something fall upon you, an injury from defective equipment, injuries from lifting, manual handling or strain injuries – the fact of the matter is, there are in infinite number of ways in which any of us could require first aid treatment whilst at work.
Accidents will happen!
In the West Midlands alone, there were an estimated 1,570 cases per 100,000 workers of non-fatal work related injuries sustained over the period 2019/20 (Source: Health & Safety Executive), many of which occurred in Stoke-on-Trent. Employers (including Local Education Authorities and school governing bodies) are responsible for ensuring, as far as is practicable, the health and safety of their employees whilst they’re at work, and students in the case of centres of learning.
Duty of care
Part of this responsibility is insuring you have adequate first aid provisions in place, including first aid training for select personnel. If this duty is neglected, any injuries sustained at work may be exacerbated, which is bad for the injured party, bad for you as the employer and bad for business.
Acadame offer a wide range of first aid training for Stoke-on-Trent businesses and individuals from our dedicated training centre, right here in Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent. People travel to us from far and wide for first aid training thanks to our hard-won reputation in the health and safety industry, but as a Stoke-on-Trent business owner, you can benefit from having us right on your doorstep!
QNUK accredited
We regularly provide accredited courses that result in the following QNUK qualifications:
If you’re unsure of what first aid training provision you require for your workplace, whether in terms of meeting your legal and/or ethical obligations, we’re here to help. If you know exactly what training you require you can head straight to our upcoming courses page and book your training. For expert consultation or straightforward advice, simply get in touch and we’ll do the rest.
Contact Acadame
If you have any questions regarding our courses that haven’t been answered online, contact a member of our team. We are always happy to help, simply call +44 03301242165 or email hello@acadame.co.uk today.